Let’s meet Benjamin! Ben is a sophomore and a Criminal Justice major at Iowa Central. He calls Callendar, IA home.
What has your experience been like with virtual classes?
My experience with virtual classes hasn’t been bad but it’s beneficial because I save gas even though gas is super low and I can be in class in my bedroom as well.
How are you keeping in touch with friends?
I’ve been keeping up with my friends pretty well with Snapchat mostly.
What activities are you doing to fill your time?
I’ve been riding the four-wheeler more on the farm, spending time with my dog with more walks and enjoying the outdoors in the country.
Anything beneficial about being ‘stuck’ at home?
What’s beneficial to staying home is being able to eat breakfast every day and getting back into some photography as well.
What’s the first thing you are going to do after social distancing has ended?
Probably the first thing I am going to do after this is all over is go to the movies.