Students who have met the graduation requirements and have declared to graduate at the end of 2019 fall, 2019 winter, 2020 spring, and 2020 summer are all eligible to attend the Graduation Commencement Ceremony on Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
The Student Records office must receive your graduation declaration and degree audit by March 11th, 2020, if you are planning to attend Commencement this spring (May 2020). We are encouraging students to see their advisor as soon as possible to complete these materials, if you have not done so already. You can log into Triton Pass, WebAdvisor, and then go to Graduation Declaration to declare. The degree audit must be signed and dated by the advisor. Once you declare to graduate and the degree audit is turned into Student Records, a non-refundable graduation fee of $25 will be charged per degree, diploma and certificate. You will receive an email from the Business Office when the grad fee is on so you can make payment. If you have any questions about the graduation process, please contact Courtney Kopp at ext. 1020 in Student Records.