Being a new college student can prove to be very stressful during the first few weeks of school. It’s difficult to navigate your way through a new town, survive class, and make friends all at the same time. A good way to meet new people is by getting involved in one of the many clubs that we have on campus! Joining a club here at Iowa Central will help expand your social networking, and help you to get involved in community activities that interest you. Listed below are the clubs that are offered at Iowa Central, and I hope that this information will help you find a way to be more involved in campus activities soon!
Art and Photography Club
The goal of this club is to inspire and challenge students in the field of Art and Photography. Each project and event hosted by this group is open to every level of artists. The events hosted by this group are normally held two to three times a semester. More information about meetings are posted on Triton Pass under the club announcement tab. For more photography updates, you can follow the programs Facebook page at Iowa Central Community College Professional Photography Program. The advisors for this club are Rochelle Green, and Jennifer Dutcher. You can contact them for more information about future meetings through email.
Book club
The RWC book club is starting off the year by reading the bestseller, THE HATE U GIVE, by Angie Thomas. This club meets every other Tuesday in the Reading and Writing Center in ARC 105G at 6:30p.m. Together, this group of students reads a popular book designated by the advisor, and they meet to discuss what they have read the past week. The door to this club is always open to any student who is interested in joining in on the fun! The next meeting will be on October 2nd. Contact advisor Steve Sutter with any questions.
Business and Accounting Club
If you are an accounting or business major at Iowa Central this is definitely the club for you! The goal of this organization is to bring together individuals who want to learn more about business professionalism. This is a club where the advisors strive to connect students with local business leaders to create bonds with their possible future employers. The Accounting and Business Club meets once a month in AST-308, from 7-8p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for October 17th, and everyone is welcome to come! If you have any questions, or would like to join this club please contact the club advisors listed below.
Dr. Dawn Humburg humburg@iowacentral.edu
Ms. Nikole Moritz moritz@iowacentral.edu
Chi Alpha
Chi Alpha is a Bible Study group on campus that meets to form a group of students to gather in worship. This group meets Tuesdays at 7p.m. in the Triton Café Conference Room, and every 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Student Resource Center (SRC). This group has many fun activities such as a fall retreat, and nights of fellowship! For more information about meetings, follow their Facebook page Chi Alpha Iowa Central.
The Collegian
The Collegian is the student newspaper here on campus. Together students meet to learn about writing, editing, and design aspects of a newspaper in a professional setting. Writing and editing positions are always available for students who are interested in joining the team. The newspaper works alongside photography students to implement their work onto the website, and showcase as many students as possible. For the second year the Collegian will be completely online, and no longer printed in a newspaper format. The students are very excited to start utilizing social media platforms to advertise traffic to the website. If you are interested in being a writer, editor, or photographer for the Collegian, please contact the advisers Michelle Tjaden, and Justin Robertson.
IC Green Club
The Iowa Central Green Club’s focus is to promote awareness, and introduce students to outdoor activities. They want to establish Iowa Central as an as an environmentally positive example for the college, and town of Fort Dodge. This group is open to any student here who wants to be involved! The advisor of this group is Beth Collins, and for more information about upcoming meetings you can contact her through email.
Human Services club
The purpose of this club is to provide a way for students to gather and participate in volunteer activities. All students are welcome to join in on the meetings, and you do not have to be a Human Services major. If you are looking to find a great group of friends on campus, this is the group for you! This is a great opportunity to meet new people, develop new friendships, and volunteer at the same time. Members of this group will learn more about the community of Fort Dodge, and ways to contribute to the service agencies, and programs of this community. If you are interested in joining in on the next meeting, you can contact the group advisor, Larry McLuckie, through email.
If you are looking for a place to belong, and are interested in Bible Study, this is the group for you! This group offers weekly Bible Study, and many other events throughout the year for you to get involved in. An example of this is their upcoming annual fall conference on October 9th. They will be visiting the Sunstream Retreat Center in Ogden for a weekend full of worship, seminars, and a fun time together! Everyone is invited to join in on Bible Study at Prairie Lakes Church near campus on October 1st at 8:00p.m. The topic of this lesson will be ways to live a genuine life, and snacks will be provided! You can contact the advisor for this group, Rachel Black, at 515-302-1186. For more information about Intervarsity, check out their website at www.intervarsity.org, and like their Facebook page: InterVarsity at ICCC.
Triton Yoga & Martial Arts Club
The Triton Martial Arts Club offers free classes for all students, and is open to students of all skill levels. Members of this club are offered the opportunity to learn martial art skills, and promote the well-being and safety of the Fort Dodge Community. Students will learn the physical and mental discipline required to participate in Martial Arts for fun or competitive purposes. The classes that are offered are: TaeKwonDo, Kendo, Self Defense, SogoRyu Bujutsu, Cardio Kickboxing, and Tai Chi. For more information about this exciting opportunity, please contact Rob Hepperle, or Master Justin Faiferlick. You can also follow their Facebook page at Faiferlick Taekwondo, Martial Arts, Fitness and Self Defense.
Writing Society
Are you a student who enjoys creative writing? The Writing Society is a fun group of students who meet regularly to share their love of writing. Students of all skill levels are welcome to join in on meetings at any time. Whether you are looking for help improving your writing skills, or just need help proof reading a paper you have to write, the writing society is here to help. Throughout the year the group hosts a variety of writing challenges that encourages creativity for many students. The Writing Society meets every other Tuesday at 6:30p.m. in the Reading and Writing Center ARC 105G. Contact the advisor for this group, Steve Sutter, with any questions that you may have about joining. The next meeting will be on October 9th, and meet every other Tuesday following this date.
Have you made it to the bottom of this list, and are still unsure about your options? Did you know that you, as an Iowa Central student, can create your own club on campus? Students must find a full-time Iowa Central staff member to be an advisor for the group. If you have any ideas for a club, or questions, please stop by the Student Activity Office for more details!
Photo courtesy of Larry McLuckie